08011 - The Returning Theme - Abs
What is it that supposedly every man dreams having and every women dream their man has. No, not that... I meant great Abs.
And this is exactly what David Grisaffi promises. Great Abs. I just found his book on the net, and I'm very inrterested in this. this is what he has to say:
"My name is David Grisaffi and since 1994, I’ve been an exercise specialist, strength coach and personal trainer, working with all types of people from professional boxers to housewives who want to get rid of cellulite.
I’m certified by the International Sports Sciences Association and also by the prestigious Chek Institute as a Corrective High Performance Exercise Kinesiologist, Health and Lifestyle Coach and Golf Biomechanics Pro. I’m also one of only 37 trainers in the United States to hold all of these credentials.
Now You Can Have Strong, Athletic,
Rock-Hard Abs (No Sit Ups Required!!!)
My system is unique because it doesn’t require hundreds of crunches or expensive equipment, and believe it or not, there’s not a single sit up in any of my workouts. Even more importantly, my program will not only give you the “six pack abs” you want, it will also give you a powerful, athletic midsection while reducing low back pain and loosening up stiff muscles and joints.
These techniques are not theories; they’ve been scientifically tested and proven in the sports training and rehabilitation world for decades. Although many of these methods have remained closely guarded secrets within the “inner circle” of elite strength coaches and physical therapists, I’ve now taken the complicated biomechanics, anatomy and physiology of abdominal reduction and translated it into a simple, practical, photo-filled guidebook to developing strong, rock-hard abs... that can be used by anyone!"
Are you interested too? This is the link to his website and his book:
Firm and Flatten Your Abs