Getting started - all over again
The last few months I have put on some upper body muscle, but my knee injury seriously preventing me from any lover body excercise.
I have my usual aches, but my bigger concern is that I still do not seem to lose any weight despite the training and hard work I put in with the help of my friendm and trainer, Iain.
He is the one who, came up with a new idea. We will be testing a different system, to see if we can boost my metabolism.
We went to see Julie Gatza at the Gatza Wellness Center. After a check-up she figured out that I'm a total mess. She actually called me jokingly the "Ouch Man" after seeing the pain I'm in. I've also measured in at a whoopping 345lbs. Surprise, surprise, I'm stuck on this weight for months now...
From tomorrow, I will be on the Total Shake System. I will also drink their Cal-Mag Tea.
I'm "looking forward" to the next three weeks of "chicken and rice", but I have to to what I have to do, to get better.
I will also have to take some X-Rays and get another check-up. Then we will see where it goes.
I wonder what the shake taste like.